Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative - West Central Minnesota & North Dakota
The seed purchase is one of your operation’s biggest decisions every year. That’s why it’s so important to plant varieties that come with a reputation for relentless development. Crystal sugarbeet varieties are specifically bred for Minn-Dak's climate, soil types and pests. Our varieties are positioned with a good balance of high performance and disease tolerance to maximize production.
Crystal D973

- Field-proven variety with excellent sugar per acre
- Enhanced Cercospora tolerance with the CR+ trait
- Balanced disease package
- Multisource rhizomania tolerance

Crystal D166

- Great plant health with strong root rot protection
- Enhanced Cercospora tolerance with the CR+ trait
- High sugar per ton with good sugar per acre
- Multisource rhizomania tolerance

Crystal D290

- High-performing variety with excellent sugar per acre
- Enhanced Cercospora tolerance with the CR+ trait
- Very good Rhizoctonia and Aphanomyces tolerance
- Multisource rhizomania tolerance

NEW: Crystal D370

- Pending approval
- Very high sugar per ton
- Enhanced Cercospora tolerance with the CR+ trait
- Moderate root rot tolerance
- Multisource rhizomania tolerance

Interactive Product Guide
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Diamond Plated® Seed Treatment Series
ACH Seeds developed the Diamond Plated seed treatment series to offer convenience at planting time. This series effectively bundles seed treatments and enhancements to customize seed to meet the needs of each sugarbeet region.
All Crystal varieties are primed with our proprietary priming process. Priming is an important component of the Diamond Plated seed treatment series to help maximize uniformity of emergence.
The Diamond Plated treatment series is offered as Silver and Gold options, representing varying degrees of protection.

At the Gold level, seed is primed and features Allegiance + Thiram, Systiva, Tachigaren 35g and Poncho Beta treatments.
Silver Diamond Plated seed is primed and features Allegiance + Thiram, and Systiva treatments.